Rabu?? oh gue suka bangett sama hari rabu , kenapa gue suka? karena cuma di hari ini gue gak ketemu sama pelajaran eksak semacam matik, kimia, biologi , sama fisika..stress!!!..pusing!!!.. di otak gue, cuma kata-kata stress sama pusing kalo udah ketemu sama pelajaran berbangsa eksak..but it does not mean the same lesson if I'm dizzy like that, then my grades so
today's lesson class schedule :
- Religious (memorization of Surah Al'Mujadillah, Al'Jumuah and Arabic lessons)
- Sport
- Common citizenship education in brief PKN (daily test, and it was terrible!! )
- so much fun in art lesson !!
When my teacher gives the task, I along with my friends who were not directly working on yet another cool with each activity, as I am busy with my friend's teddy bear, hahaha :p , so I shared with my friend (Christy and Dian make special clothes for the Teddy), two of our design, one white and one of his? hmmmmmm .. i do not know exactly, modelnya gimana juga kita gak ngerti, asal buat yang penting jadi (motto orang susah) , hahaha :p
Scotch tape
And one of my friends are the most cute and handsome ---> just want to make you happy, hahaha :p (his name is Atha Milzam, Paper
ethnic bracelet
yeaah ada namaku sama tasku :p