Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Concept

Hey guys!! , there are many new gadgets that I make on a blog, new header, new photo, new title and of course a new concept..I've always a fan of pastel colors, peach and soft, it's simple, i think
so, I decided to combine all the colors into a concept, chic and simple.
My blog which was originally titled My Secondly Canvas, now turned into Berry's Soufflé


Hey readers, I want to share about Hana Tajima, she's an incredible's women , Japanesse-England , inspiration's person , and for me, she's very good looking , her style was very blossom , chic , graceful , match , and wonderful ..

She's my favorite designer that ever been i had
, And I made her photos as my gadget in this blog

Sunday, December 26, 2010

my inspiration

Hey! long time no see, .. untuk sekian lamanya saya gak mosting blog , sekarang saya baru sempet mosting, berhubung try out di sekolah yang merajalela dan bimbingan tutorial yang tiap hari harus saya datangin , itu semua buat saya hampir gak bisa nafas..

Oh iya, kamu tau , kalo sekarang saya lagi punya hobby baru bacain blog orang , gak asal orang, yaaa paling cuma blog-blog bagus yang temen-temen saya rekomendasiin ,niat saya yang pasti bukan untuk plagiatin blog mereka, paling enggak buat saya pribadi , baca blog orang-orang hebat yang sudah berpengalaman itu sebuah langkah jitu kalo mau mencapai puncak..ya paling enggak , di sana saya bisa dapatin kosakata baru dan pelajaran-pelajaran menarik dari mereka, Saya lagi tertarik sama seorang sutradara dan penulis skenario indonesia yang cukup terkenal , cewek , janda, punya anak 1 dan single parents , "upi avianto", she's a good mom, walaupun dia sibuk sama kerjaannya, tapi dia selalu jadi mommy yang baik untuk putra kesayangnya itu , cerdas, berintelek tinggi dan apa adanya, saya suka sama orang seperti itu , tidak mencoba untuk jadi orang lain tapi menjadi diri sendiri , berfikir realistis bukannya berfikir idealis seperti oarng-orang jaman sekarang... Mungkin kalo kamu search di google tentang dia , kamu bakal terbelalak hebat kalo tau umurnya sekarang 38 tahun , gak kontras sama penampilannya yang sama seperti anak SMA, sepatu cat, kaos oblong , celana pendek jeans yang selalu jadi idolanya kapanpun dia pergi , ya itulah yang tadi saya bilang , apa adanya dan menjadi diri sendiri.

Ada beberapa pelajaran hebat yang saya dapat dari blognya dan terinspirasi dari dia , upi ! ayee

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

camera and ACTION

Hey I'm back! , as I said yesterday, I just wanted to share my weird pictures with my buddies , you also already know how did my story, this is not a strange picture that I said yesterday, so after I see there are some more pretty pictures do not look strange from the other
check this out!

(human statue imitation)

(it's time to DDR )


Monday, November 29, 2010

Today is Monday

still with my daily , still with my story, funny? freak? love? oh not really , I just want shared my daily activities (specially for today) : --------


Baca secara fonetik

Today my school is off! ayeyeeee : *, and today I did have plans to hangout with my buddies, ya! at least to refresh the brain that during all these years I've been using to hold and continue to think, I'm with my buddies go to watching a movie ****** (a little bit frontal) but well within our theater laughing and not even cool to watch, after that we went for lunch at the Balcony --- Otw to the e-walk --- along the way we laugh and take pictures, oh no, Our faces looked very strange! 0oolala, I'm not going to show the pictures on this blog (NO), haha : p

Oh ya, we are also shopping in the e-walk, in fact I want to enjoy my day off more than that, but mam was phoned and told me to go home, (no other choice but to go home and end my unexpected adventure with them), maybe I'm usually not too enjoying my day off, usually I'm just in my room, online, blogging, googling, or send sms with (him) but, 2 days we could not as usual, he had just left a holiday yesterday, and tomorrow he come back, 2 days which is very quiet in Balikpapan, every day I meet him,
for some reason 2 days it looks empty, like my bad day (you know, how annoying it's)
Oke , tomorrow I must return to the real world (school, school and school) hmm, and and it means I should be brushing my teeth, wash feet-hands, went to bed, pulled the covers, turn off room lights and sleep, haha, .. see you later because I'll be back

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Perfect Mid-week

This post should I write for the day of Wednesday, but time is not possible to post my new news, so today I could write
in accordance with the title "THE PERFECT MID-WEEK" and you know, what the day of mid-week? it's Wednesday, Wednesday is usually a gorgeous day, there're nothing the hard lesson(I call them) such as : physic, biology , chemistry, math . there are only : art, civic, religion, and sports, just it, BUT, you know, the last Wednesday was an adorable day ,
Actually it was happened because of sports lesson , my leg like punched and kicked until I can't stand, Can you imagine ? How to feel your feet when must jump 4 times forward and back until at least 20 times a round? (it seems more than swimming with feet that have cramps! really)

(It's feeling happy that my friend felt before in the end we all suffer because of jumping frog that is given by the teachers at my class)

And the plus again after school I had to follow Bimbel and after Bimbel must follow an unexpected test from my teachers in tutoring , (oh my god!, I just Want to cry, I just Want to go back to my home and complain to mama that I was sick, I'm tired and just want to cry)

Finally I succeeded in my exams that day, and luckily my school the next day off, yes!, there is a time for rest, and not out of the house when my friends asked me to go to the balcony and watch the cinema XXI, (I really wanted to go with them , but the state of my body does not comply with my plan , so I just rest my body at home, at home, I just stay in my room, watching, eating, drinking, sleeping, no activity can I do)

Until that night I had to go test (again?? Yes it is a routine that I should do), and on Friday I have to go back to school as usual, you know, at school I saw my friends sometimes complain that his legs hurt, there is also a limp, haha, luckily my legs are not sore anymore (thanks to a day of freedom that I get from school) haha: p

Saturday, November 6, 2010


hmm. i felt so bad..bad..bad and bad know, I've succeeded qualify for the university in malaysia..but it's not easy to decided, Mama and Papa do not agree with my plan that i want to continued my education in Malaysia, it's so far and , they're very worried to me..mama wants if i tried STAN , but it's very impossible to me, it's very hard and i'm not sure that i will pass in the test . And also Mama offers me to enter medical school but must be in Surabaya, No Yogyakarta, No Jakarta or Bandung !

So what can I do for my self?? for my future dreams?? for my ideas?? Hmm..i don't know but I have to be positive thinking..Yes , I do

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Honestly I loved today !

gak ngerti dan gak tau kenapa pagi tadi abis bangun tidur gue ngerasa capeeeeeeeeeeeeee banget,.. badan lemes, muka kucel, hati sepet dan terus-terusan teriak dalem hati "gue males banget sekolah hari ini!!! ma bolos sehari aja gakpapa kan??" (jelaslah si mama bilang : "gak boleh de, nanti kalo di alpa gimana, ...belum lagi kalo nanti ada ulangan , siapa yang rugi hayooo??") --- > ngayal aje gue, tapi jelas banget gue tau gimana mama pasti mama gak bakal ngebolehin gue buat bolos, .. arrggghhh..tapi gue musti hadir di sekolah ! harus ! dan gak boleh enggak ! .. hari ini rapat kelas buat bahas soal besok !! well dan pada akhirnya gue berhasil ngapus ide bolos gue.. zzzzzzzzz..
Sesampainya gue di sekolah ....... isi kelas cuma ada segelintir , gak nyampe deh 20 orang , hmm..sedikit kecewa, tapi gak papa lah seenggaknya gue bisa ngikutin kemauan mama buat rajin sekolah walau rintangan menghadang.. (apaseehhhh???).. rapat pun di mulai..dan hasilnya gue harus kembali ambil andil buat event bazar ini.. pusing mikirin duit , pusing mikirin makanan (itu isi kepala gue) , gue bendahara kelas jadi pasti sibuk mikirin duit , dan duit kas ?? ..... sumpah SERET!!!!

Besok sekolah gue bakal ngadain pensi sekolah , gak gede sih , yaaa paling gak buat seru-seruan, tiap kelas musti ngebuat bazar yang terserah mau ngejual apa aja juga boleh di stand kelas, dan kelas gue ngerencanain buat ngejual ______ (masih untuk di rahasiakan) (nge sok amat sih lo cit!) haha..dengan modal pas-pasan di sertain keringat yang bercucuran, akhirnya tadi abis pulang sekolah gue barengan Christy, Atha, Dian dan Yulis pergi ke pasar tradisional buat beli kebutuhan buat besok , kenapa pasar tradisional? knp gak di lotte atau hypermart ?? (MAHAL!!) 1 alasan yang gak absurb dan paling jujur dari hati terdalem.. awalnya Atha udah main minta duit mau cabut ke hypermart , minta duit 200rb dari uang kas yang (tidak untuk di sebutkan) jelas gue langsung mikir puluhan ribu kali buat ngeluarin duit segede itu (mungkin bagi lo para bendahara kelas yang duit kasnya gak seret oke-oke aja ngeluarin tapi kalo gue musti dikasih pengecualian)
Dan tadi di pasar , Atha dengan susah payah ngebantuin ngangkatin belanjaan yang pastinya beratttt banget !!, di pasar, gue bareng temen-temen gue , mati-matian buat nawar ke om-om , tante-tante ,bule-bule , mbah-mbah yang jualan disana, dengan duit 100rb kita bisa bawa banyak banget plastik blanjaan!! BAYANGIN ! di banding belanja di lotte atau hypermart, paling-paling cuma bisa nenteng 2 - 3 tas doang .. emang bener gak sia-sia pergi bercucuran keringet , bodo amat di gangguin om-om sama mas-mas, bodo amat panas-panasan, bodo amat kebauan yang penting kita dapet barang fresh dan murah !

dan gimana besok?? gue gak tauuuuu... we
'll see how tomorrow.. moga sukses! cuma itu harapan gue, moga laku keras (aminnnnnnnnnnnn)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

whisper in silence

Actually, I'm not the typical person who might easily fall in love with someone else, but this is different, hmm .. I'm not sure this is really the feeling that just playing it .. I'm serious and want to seriously

Recently I have close to someone who actually had I known since junior high school
Initially we are friends .. ya friends just like the others, but somehow we are getting closer since the 3rd grade of high school.
I like him, like .. but not for a boyfriend, because I believe now is not the time for me to date. there is still more important matters, I'm sure he probably thought the same, as I think
Our national exam soon and have to focus on our respective exams, maybe later after the exam I could decide my choice, but clearly for me and he still maintain this closeness in a way good, I would still maintain that closeness with hope.Expectations , that's my goal, and dream, hope he is the right person for me,

mama never agree if I close with anyone but somehow my mom happy when I'm close to him, because my mom told he was a good boy. mama hopes that we were became a friend or maybe bestfriend. because right now I have to focus on school ..
hmmmm .. looovvveeeee???? complicated ...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

suddenly present and without a plan

Today is very full of know what? because of I and my friend had to attended in the exhibition of Australia education, actually i never had a plan to attended this event. But Rahadian, Melas and Atha tried get me to go there even though I really do not want to go..and well the finally i joined with them to attended in this event, we're go home , took a bath and prepared to go to Novotel Hotel. Rahadian picked us up at atha's home and we're together went to Novotel

When we got there, we met christy,, since this morning christy did not go to school because she wanted to be present at this event. (very intention once)..We're entry into the venue and follow all procedures of the committee, and begin to visit each of the tables that have been prepared by representatives from universities in Australia (Charles Darwin University, Monash University, Box Hill Institute, and many others ).

Very fun when we were at the table of the team Box Hill Institute, they assign only 18-year-old teenager that they can take on as a student, even though we were not eligible had they set, Mr.
Jepp remain friendly and patiently answered all our questions, we were given a stuffed koala, CDs and books, waw they are very good at all even Mr. Jepp offered us to take the test level of the BHI, we willingly accept him and eventually we were all referred to the level (Upper Intermediate) is not good and not bad, standard!
After returning from the event we decided to go to a cafe, de'Balkon's cafe, hmm I thought it was strange to set foot there, because the cafe was pretty "weird" yaaa, but there we have fun, joke, eat, laugh, we go home around 07.00 pm, and I'm sure I do not regret coming to the event because today I have very much gain valuable new experience. thank you very much for Rahadian Prayoga, Melas Gismar Hamlan and Atha Milzam also Christy Yulia who had already forced me to go:)

NIS (Netherlands International Students)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

break !

I am currently undergoing tests at the school mid-semester, soon I will also follow the university entrance test in the Netherlands .. and wellll I have to prepare everything, I must study hard and practice ,so hmmm I rested for a while, do not write blogs, maybe just a look but not to make a post

Citra Dewi Lestari

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Between Netherlands, Malaysia and Indonesia

Well , I will continue my study to university , but i still have nothing choices .. tomorrow I was offered by the parties of the NIS (Netherlands International Students) to joined with them, on October 23 in the Sagita Hotel , i would follow their test (toefl) and dinner with their parties. I've told mom and dad, they were agree that I followed it, but I'm not ready , because , the distance of Netherlands or Malaysia to Balikpapan , it's not close. If I'm elected to be enrolled there, I would have confused to choose the Netherlands, Malaysia or Indonesia

Hmmm... most importantly I want to be a dental student and become a doctor someday, no matter which universities can I follow. I just want to make my parents proud and did not make them to worry. So , Finally I and my friends decided to following the test , but if it turns out we qualify, we will not go there, just wanted to make that experience alone , and still choose public universities in Indonesia..

Friday, October 1, 2010

don't worry don't worry, i'm a strong girl, and in here, i will be fine okey

The first , say hello to my Snopboy,It is my personal slippers and I only wear in the room, his name is Snopboy, mom bought my Snopboy when I was in Grade 3 at junior high school.

This afternoon, mama and papa went to Surabaya, where my sister will undergo graduation, They are to get there, of course, to attend my sister's graduation ceremony. Actually I'd love to come but unfortunately I can not because I had to followed the try-out in the guidance of learning. oh shit! but not ! this option should I take to be passed in the national exam later and could be a dental student at my favorite's university.
Mama and Papa was worried about my condition, because they live in surabaya for 4 days, a short time indeed, but yes they are my parents, they always just worried about me, especially when I had just recovered from illness. but believe me I'll be fine here, okey

Tonight, I did not go to counseling to learn to take mama and papa to the airport, so long as the school and go anywhere I will be in a shuttle with an acquaintance of my family, and I made time to take pictures in my room

And this is my weird face but still cool

Tommy Hilfiger's sweater
Brown legging
Striped blouse

Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Friendship" my essay, task from my Philiphina's teacher

The Sweetest Gift From God
- Citra Dewi Lestari -

There are some parts of my life that I really loved, especially in terms of friendship. Friend is one of the most important thing in my life, they are the place to share love and sorrow. But there are some more close friends, they are the best friends I ever met. With them I can be myself and never be someone else, I feel comfortable when hanging out with them. Even so our friendship could not be separated from the tears. We often have different opinions but that did not last long, because somehow we could not be far away and not care about each other.

I have met them since we were school in grade X at high school, we came from different schools and never knew each other. But after a few months we knew, we felt fit and often went together on weekends. They're good, not arrogant and more important every time we get together, they always become their own self and not made up. I'm happy with people who can be himself without copying other people because I was think it is an honest attitude.

The most important thing in a friendship is honesty. I'm glad to have friends like them, although they are not perfect and many have shortcomings but somehow I always accept them with a roomy chest, and so do they always accepted my presence. I think they are the most beautiful gift from god that I have ever received.Simak

Baca secara fonetik

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

gengster oh gengster not to be dangerous but make me happy

yeaaaahh Gangsters, I and my friend's absurb make our colony name as "SLEBOR", rather disgusted and not clear as possible but we think that name is just right and inherent in our self

Atha Milzam, Dior Okta Vindeda, Danar Kurniadi, Lukman Baihaqi al-Amar, Elgi Zulfakar Diniy, Garril Prasetyo, Donny Fahrizal, Herdina Yulia A. , Christy Yulia S. , Dian Mahdianti, Monalisa Ben P., and of course me, we are a member of the SLEBOR's Gangsters

September 27, 2010

we have plants to go along with completing the task of capturing images,

unfortunately, Atha, Elgi, Garril and Donny could not go hunting together

Friday, September 24, 2010

song ♥


You're stuck on me
and my laughing eyes
I can't pretend though
I try to hide, I like you
I like you.

I think I felt my heart skip a beat

I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe, you got me, yeah
You got me.

The way you take my hand is just so sweet

And that crooked smile of yours
it knocks me off my feet

-- Oh, I just can't get enough --
Find my stoup I need to fill me up
It feels so good it must be love
It's everything that I've been dreaming of.
I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin.
Cause no matter what I do,
Oh (oh) my heart is filled with you.

I can't imagine what it'd be like

Livin each day in this life, without you.
Without you.

One look from you I know you understand

This mess we're in
you know is just so out of hand.

-- chorus --

I hope we always feel this way

I know we will
and in my heart I know that
you'll always stay

-- chorus --

Oh (oh)

You got me. You got me.
Oh (oh)
You got me. You got me.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

match and matching is sick

sick is fun "doesn't matter"

I was sick and not attending school today, my monthly disease was relapsed (flu, cough and headache) arrrggghh ! OH SHIT!

and to broke bored at home, I did not intentionally create the photographs (there are not words that can describe) Olala, see it!

wears : blouse : exit
logo's jeans
blue ring
ethnic necklace
ethnic bangle