Monday, October 3, 2011

any expression, web cam session

Holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... long time no see!!! ,I have some weird picture of me , taraaaaaaa... it cause I waiting time class, there's nothing to do. Today, there is a quiz math, my class start at 6 p.m, pray for me! GO FIGHT WIN !!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Touch me on Balikpapan

Holla, I touched Balikpapan , finally !! ;'( surely I miss this city , I miss the resident, miss my big fam , so muchhhhhh ;' ,and worse, I'm here not until a week, since the 5th of September, I've started college (hell!)
meet aunts, uncles, cousins ​​and grandmother, just once, and for the last time I stepped on this city, (sadly)..
the photos above, I was with my sister, (people say, we were like twins, really? I don't think so

Eid Mubarak 1432H


Holla guys, Happy Eid Mubarak 1432 H !!

There're so many stories that I had, started from my collage, now, I study at Bussines School of Surabaya Perbanas , in there I entered to join Faculty of Economic to concentrate company accounting .It was far from my original plan  (which I've been told on this blog) . and surely I'm not really sure to get through college there but after I got a lot of contacts, I can be sure that I could. In my business school is very structured once for business development could be accomplished, where there are activities outside the campus entrepreneurship and business support activities.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Hey readers ...

For a long time ago , I didn't open or visit my blog , and wahooo I'm back , for being 2 weeks , I had a vacation in Surabaya, Surely , I think it's not a vacation but it's an experiment. In Surabaya, I wif my mam live in my grandpa and grandma's home  , I had a test for enter the public universities. For 2 days , I did and after that , I enjoy of my vacation , as long as the vacation  my auntie have to preparation her wedding . and I glad to enjoy the pre wedding's photos session . Unfortunately, we did a photo session in the hot sun and the location was in one fishing place (no place to shelter) ....and the results are satisfying! but not like my skin was burned by the blazing sun (very annoying ) but the day was very exciting for me. 
Moreover, in there, i were try to go to Atom Mall by komuter's train ( I never had an experience before) so i ask my grandma to please enjoy the train , and my grandma was accept it . Do you know, it was veryyyyyyyyyyyy funnnnnn ! I wanna have to try it again !


Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hellooooooooo New World....

the story will begin ... 

I will move, move for a period of approximately 4 years, the story of my single fighter was about to begin there. hmm I hope to feel at home and comfortable in the new habitation. had to leave mommy and daddy (it's hard) but I can, I have to make them proud because it was my goal.

My ideals are not like human ideals superidialis other, not to become a professor, researcher, president or any other. I did originally intend to become a doctor, but  what can only be a doctor, mama and papa be proud? (I don't think so) that's not the most important to them and from there I realized that, to make them proud I should be more trying. I failed to get into university that I was willing is for the medical program, and  from there I believe that be a doctor is not my path. I tried to enter industry engineering programs at the ITS and the science of nursing at the university airlangga (pray for me!)

I depart soon, and I have to say goodbye to my friends huuuuuu, I was so sad, but I should be able to miss it. I have a future and that should I reach, make mommy and daddy proud! yes it is my goal!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Don't Let Me Fall

Sebenernya posting ini non-title tapi sudahlah daripada kosong mending saya kasih title ini aja,
sebenernya gak ada maksud lain sih untuk buat posting ini , tapi gimana ya, ada banyak alasan yang saya gak tau harus ngejelasinnya gimana, cuma initinya sekarang saya lagi gak karu-karuan.

Satu hal yang sekarang saya pengen lakuin "CEPET-CEPAT KULIAH DAN PUNYA HIDUP BARU", Kenapa? karena saya bingung harus gimana lagi sama hidup saya yang sekarang. sebenernya bukan banyak masalah tapi masa lalu saya yang dulu (mungkin cukup lama, tapi itu buka waktu yang lama untuk bisa di lupain) kembali lagi bukan dalam konsep fisik tapi psikis (ingatan) lagi..lagi dan lagi , kenapa harus dia lagi , padahal segala upaya sudah saya coba buat ngelupain dia tapi apa hasilnya "GAK BISA!" "GAGAL". Mungkin orang-orang bilang saya cewek tolol yang gak bisa dengan gampang ngelupain apa yang dulu pernah jadi kenangan di hidup saya dan kadang saya juga ngerasa gitu. 

"Hidup itu berputar dan suatu hari nanti saya akan berada di satu titik yang kemaren saya lalui" I'm believe it ,tapi saya belum bisa menerapkan itu di memori saya

Dari perkenalan yang tidak di duga, waktu itu saya dan dia di kenalin teman SMP saya tapi waktu itu kita sudah kelas X SMA, setahun kenal dan awalnya dia teman baik saya, saya gak munafik untuk bilang kalo dia memang orang yang enak buat di ajak diskusi dan saya gak pernah salah untuk selalu cerita masalah pribadi saya ke dia.

Sampai akhirnya cerita itu di mulai dan sekarang sudah lama berakhir , tapi saya masih gagal untuk mengubur itu semua ,  begitu sulit?? lebih sulit dari soal trigonometri , logaritma,  atau apapun lah itu namanya, mungkin kalo di ibaratkan saya gak pernah lulus atau remedi terus dalam pelajaran ini . Sudah 2 tahun lebih atau mungkin hampir 3 tahun , gak tau lah, mungkin karena ini sudah bener-bener lama saya pendam jadi begini akhirnya belum lagi semenjak hari terakhir itu , kita gak pernah lagi ngomomng , untuk sekedar nyapa aja susah banget , ngeliat mukanya aja gak mampu sekalipun untuk jalan di sebelahnya gugupnya ampun-ampun.

Let it be a story in my life
I never mad
and I never regret
Maybe I'm wrong but I'm sure "I'm lucky"
I'm very grateful to him because he was very instrumental in my life

Sunday, May 8, 2011

"goodbye" highschool stories

The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning. 

~Ivy Baker Priest~

No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth. 

~Robert Southey~

Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.  

~William Shakespeare~

Yesterday,  I attended to Farewell party , hmmm it's so touch me , cause it's the last moment in highschool and after that maybe I and my friends would be difficult to meet. There's many moment I had in the event. So many photos I had with my friend , but unfortunately , I did not get to take pictures with Christy, Dina , Wilda , Angel and Defi , hmmm I'm mad , of course  cause they're my close friend during in highschool especially Dina , She's my partner , my classmate and my chairmate during 2 years, :'(( so sad.

Anyway, I could meet with Damay , huaaaa I miss her so much, I don't know why, I just feel like , she's my sister , We're always chat about our problem , private problem and so on, took a picture with her and my friend , it's make me happy and sad. but our separation just a while and i believe one day we will meet like last moment yesterday.